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Biodiversity Beyond National
Jurisdiction: Legal options for a new
international agreement

R Fletcher, R Scrimgeour, K von Bieberstein, E Barritt, K Gjerde, C Hazin, B Lascalles, DP Tittensor, JF Vinuales, S Fletcher.


The UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) is the specialist biodiversity
information and assessment centre of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), run collaboratively
with WCMC, a charity based in Cambridge in the United Kingdom. UNEP-WCMC’s mission is to evaluate and
highlight the many values of biodiversity and put authoritative biodiversity knowledge at the centre of decisionmaking. Since its establishment in the 1970s, the Centre has been at the forefront of the compilation,
management, analysis and dissemination of global biodiversity information.

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